EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or “Tapping” is a stress-relieving technique. It is a blend of two approaches – Cognitive Therapy and the ancient science of Chinese Acupuncture. Instead of using needles, the acupressure points are gently tapped with the person’s fingertips whilst paying attention to a particular experience. This sends calming signals to the part of the brain responsible for the “Fight or Flight” response (the Amygdala) allowing the uncomfortable intensity to a situation to dissolve quickly and effortlessly.
When we are under stress, our frontal lobe of our brain “goes off-line.” That is why we can’t think clearly when we are anxious or in fear. Our body begins to flood with adrenaline and cortisol. The EFT intervention sends calming signals to the Amygdala and tells the body to release calming chemicals instead and bring our brains back “on-line.” Once the brain’s chemistry has been reset, the body can return to a more normal state of wellbeing.
There are a number of versions of EFT that have emerged over the years. ‘Clinical EFT’ – is a standardised sequence of using the side of the hand and 8 tapping points around the upper part of the body.
Not everyone needs “measurable proof” that Tapping works. If you had a fear of public speaking or flying and you did some Tapping and now the fear is gone, the results would speak for itself.
In order for EFT Tapping to be considered a valid method for reducing stress and healing the body, there needs to be hard evidence to support that claim.
For an extensive list of scientific research papers, please click Research papers